Mario Rolls Reveals Why the Elegant Sport Leather Caught His Eye

Mario Villareal, better known by his stage name Mario Rolls, is a music artist and actor with a passion for film, photography, and watches. He writes and produces his own music and films. Mario loves walking in the mountains, swimming in the summer, and spending time with his dog during his free time. He dedicates this time to personal and spiritual growth. Mario also loves working out and keeping himself as healthy as possible.

The Perks of Living in the City

His favorite part about living in the city is that there are endless things to do, which means there’s always something new to experience and discover every weekend. He usually visits different bars and explores new restaurants every two to three months. Mario also takes this chance to indulge in one of his passions – photography.

He recommends photography as a must-try urban experience in New York City. As America’s Melting Pot, there are many places, studios, or streets in NYC where people can make the most of their photography skills. The city offers great diversity, high energy, and endless possibilities.

Whether it’s street style fashion, a hip store, cool art or incredible view, there are many fun things to do in New York City. The Big Apple is also synonymous with big brands, luxurious lifestyle, and hustle culture. For Mario, photography and film inspire him the most as they bring different creative concepts that help him develop his own. When it comes to fashion, Mario prefers dark-colder tones with urban style. He switches to the more colorful and warm style during summer, but his true nature relies more on the dark-colder urban style.

The Watch Aligned with his Passion

Mario has been passionate about watches since he was a child. As he grew up, he became interested in classic models. Mario says that he has a very chill lifestyle. He likes keeping a low profile, but he still loves doing big things in private. He prefers to keep things neat, even when it’s simply a meet-up or private date.

Grayton’s Elegant Sport Leather model fits his personality and lifestyle because it aligns with his interests and activities during his free time. In addition, He thinks that the Elegant Sport’s timeless appeal works well with almost anything. He also likes that automatic watches like Grayton are easy to maintain and last for a long time.

Unforgettable Experiences with Watches

Mario got his first gold watch as a present on his 14th birthday. When he brought it to school, he had people asking him all day where he got the watch. Unfortunately,  he was too young to wear it. Although he found it beautiful and shiny, he could barely handle the watch with his thin hand.

Mario's Watch Care Routine

Mario generally likes watches with visible mechanics because he finds it pleasing to see the timepiece work. He often cleans his watch with a micro-fiber cloth before going out to avoid accumulating dirt over the week. Mario adds that wearing the timepiece every day is essential when it has a self-winding mechanism.